Sunday, June 10, 2012

Pattern Review: Grainline Studios Tiny Pocket Tank (minus the pocket)

So after reading this post at Cirque du Bebe, I decided to try my hand at a top for myself! I bought this pattern from Grainline Studios. I am lucky to have a fabric warehouse outlet store about 10 minutes away that stocks fabrics at $3.99 yard. If it's a good day, I can find remnants of Amy Butler, Heather Bailey and the like, but if it's a great day I can find voile! It's upwards of $17-18 a yard, so getting it for $3.99 is a steal! I had found the Wrenly voile a few months back, and while it's not my usual style, I figured at such a great price it could be my muslin!
A few notes on this pattern: The bust darts were a bit high for me. Like 2 full inches. I made the size 4, and in general the bust and arm-pit area were snug. Next time I make this top (and I will!), I will make the size 6. Also, I am a bit long in the torso, and I made the pattern true, and it was probably 2 inches too short for me. Another major issue I had was the neck binding was several inches too short! I had to stop and insert another piece in the middle! I used the measurements provided with the pattern, so something didn't translate right.  
Ugly! I also used store bought binding as this was my tester, and frankly, I hate making binding. It was a bit bulky for the voile, and caused it to not lay quite flat (although you can't really tell when it's on). I have some lovely Anna Maria Horner Little Folks voile that I will make my next one out of, and I will make the binding for that one. Plus, I have a bias tape maker- I should use it!

Overall the pattern was easy to use, and the instructions were clear. It took me just about an hour to sew, so a great weekend afternoon project! The price of the pattern is only $4.50, a bargain! The fit is a bit A-line, and would be so cute with those colored denim leggings I am seeing everywhere.